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Sensible Drinking and Initiations

# Sensible Drinking At CU Canoe Club we aim to have fun on and off the water. Many of our socials may involve alcohol. However, to ensure that every one can enjoy the experience and a good night out doesn’t end badly. We have a few simple suggestions. ###Paddling and Alcohol * Alcohol and water don’t mix – No one who is under the influence of alcohol is allowed to take part in any paddling activity. * Drivers on CU Canoe Club trips will not drink and drive and will pay particular attention to the amount of time it takes for alcohol to leave the blood stream. * Trip and River leaders will refuse to allow any paddler who is unfit to paddle on the water (and will have the support of the committee in doing so). ##Socials * When you’re on a CUCC social you are representing the club and the University - your behaviour will reflect on CUCC and the University * So know your limits, don’t go beyond them and don’t push other people to go beyond theirs. * In particular * CUCC socials will not be based on the premise of excessive drinking. * At CUCC no one will be put under any pressure to drink. * CUCC socials will be open to drinkers and non drinkers alike and we’ll ensure good non alcoholic alternatives. * “Fines” never have to be alcoholic - though we will remind you of some of the things you've done over the year! * We don’t do swim booties. # Initiations Our initiations policy is simple - we don’t have initiations. Members of CU canoe club can consider themselves full members of the club from the moment they join. No CUCC team or squad will hold initiations. We might have to ask you to do a spray deck demo – but that’s to prove you’ll be safe on the water!